Contact & Directions
The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering is located on the south campus of the TU Dortmund University.
The Chair of Structural Engineering is located on the ground floor of GB I (Geschossbau I) in rooms 119 -123.
On the campus, the entrances are marked by orange signs. It is best to park your car in the car park at entrance 44. For larger deliveries, entrance 49 leads directly in front of the building. However, there is no parking here.
On the main pages of the TU you will also find an interactive map. There you can see how to get to the chair.

Lehrstuhl Tragkonstruktionen
August-Schmidt-Straße 6
44227 Dortmund
T +49-231 -755-2077
F +49-231-755-5279
E tk.abtu-dortmundde